Monday, April 11, 2011

Worksheet VII - Some Final Questions For Further Reflection

Can the gospel be financed just by grace, heart and Spirit alone—without the Law?

Could we simply be afraid that we might lose some of our churches and ministries if we told people the truth about tithing not being required under the New Covenant?

Is it possible that clinging to the Old Covenant law of tithing might actually be veiling our eyes to greater, more abundant blessings in the Spirit when Christians become released from the letter of the Law?

Would it be unlike God to someday discipline churches the hard way? that we all could give freely from the heart alone instead of from under compulsion? that we all could know our blessing is secure in Christ’s all-sufficient sacrifice alone? that the poor of the earth could “reap” from free and loving Christian hearts?

Just as God challenged the people of Israel to “Test Me in this” when they were not obeying the commands of His Mosaic covenant with them, is it possible that today God is calling to us, challenging us to “Test Me in this”—to test Him in letting people be free to give without compulsion, from grace and Spirit alone without the letter of the Law? Is it possible that God is challenging us to let the tithes and offerings of the Old Covenant be fulfilled completely in Jesus Christ, and to simply spend ourselves on behalf of the poor and needy instead?

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