Monday, April 11, 2011

Worksheet VI - Did Abraham & Jacob Tithe?

50. Does Scripture say if Abraham ever gave 10% to Melchizadek more than once in his life?
Circle answer: YES or NO

51. Did Abraham give 10% of his regular income? (Hebrews 7:14, Genesis 14:11-12, 15-20)
Circle answer: YES or NO
(If "NO", then it was 10% of _________________)

52. What did Abraham do with the other 90%? (Genesis 14:21-24)

53. So does the story of Abraham support Christians "tithing" 10% of their regular income every month to the church?
Circle answer: YES or NO

54. Was Jacob commanded or asked to give God 10% of his earnings? (Genesis 28:20-22)
Circle answer: YES or NO

55. Did God promise to give His blessings before or after Jacob promised to give 10% of his earnings to God? (Genesis 28:10-22)
Circle answer: BEFORE or AFTER

56. What conditions did Jacob demand from God when he promised to give his 10%? (Genesis 28:20-22)

57. Do you think we should put conditions on God like that today? (Matthew 4:7)
Circle answer: YES or NO

58. Jacob promised 10% to God, but who did Jacob give it to?

59. Is the story of Jacob a good model for "Christian tithing" to the church?
Circle answer: YES or NO

60. Did the blessings of Abraham or Jacob depend the "tenths" they gave?
Circle answer: YES or NO


Jacob promised his “tenth” immediately after God showed him a dream which pointed to Jesus Christ (John 1:51). The story of Abraham giving his “tenth” to Melchizadek was also ultimately used to point the Jewish people to Jesus Christ as our all-sufficient High Priest. Is it possible that God put tithing in the Law of Moses to remind Israel of Abraham & Jacob’s “tenths” so that He could later point to His Son Jesus as the fulfillment of Melchizadek and the fulfillment of Jacob’s dream and God’s promises to him?

The Law—including the law of tithing—came 430 years after Abraham according to Galatians 3:17. Just like the early church, both Abraham and Jacob were blessed simply because they believed in God and trusted in His promise to protect and prosper them. If they all were so abundantly blessed without a law of tithing, but only gave freely from the heart, could we also let go of tithing and yet find abundant blessings and provision? Is it possible that we don’t trust God’s grace alone to protect and prosper our churches and ministries?

Is it possible that teaching/requiring the Old Covenant tithing law is hindering Christians’ growth in living by the Spirit and learning to give from the heart?

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