By Ramone Romero
April 2, 2010
This is a do-it-yourself Bible study examining the common practice of "tithing" in Christianity, in 'worksheet' format so you can read through the Bible for yourself. Reading the immediate context around the verses I cited will always be helpful and informative since this study is an exercise in reading things in their original context. It is also an exercise in patience — that is, in allowing Scripture to interpret itself instead of rushing ahead with our own guesses and interpretations. Bless you in Jesus as you spend time with Him in prayer and study! =)
Worksheet I
From the Law of Moses
Worksheet II
"Tithes & Offerings" in the Book of Malachi
Worksheet III
In Christ and the New Covenant
Worksheet IV
The Early Church
Worksheet V
Giving in the New Testament
Worksheet VI
Did Abraham & Jacob Tithe?
Worksheet VII
Some Final Questions for Further Reflection